Popular Services

Request form for a maintenance work order

Payment Submission for Non-Travel Related Items

Request General Support as it pertains to A/V, Computers, Equipment, and Software.

Please use this request to report a problem with CRM/TargetX/Salesforce

Use this form to submit a quote request for any technology related hardware or software.

Request assistance from Web Services

Request form for access to Valencia resources while out of the country (main continental US)

Request the delivery of hardware/equipment for campus based events/needs

This form is used to submit a work request to the Institutional Research Department.

Request form for access to rooms/areas within the college.

Please use this request to report a problem with banner or a related system.


Use this form to submit a request for VPN access.

Refresh Request & Consultation

Please use this form to make a request relating to banner or a related system.

Mac Address Authorization Request Form

Before purchasing software, request an OIT review.

Shared email accounts, adding/removing shared calendars, other email/calendar issues.

Please note that the position types below are NOT eligible for a directly assigned extension.

Part-time Faculty
Part-time Staff
Work-Study Employees

Supervisors may submit a request for Part-time Staff & Work-Study Employees as potential exceptions may be made depending on the scenario. These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Please note: Specific extensions cannot be requested

*Request for Administrative Rights on your computing device*

Please use this service to request a change to the CRM/TargetX/Salesforce system.

This Service Request can be used to update or reset your password if you've forgotten it.

Request Desktop, laptop, or tablet support.

Request form for a loaner laptop for eligible part-time staff