This form is for users who are registering or requesting access to new software. Please ensure that all fields are completed accurately to facilitate a smooth review process. The current approved software list can be found on the right hand side of this page under the 'Attachments' section.
If you need assistance with installing existing software please use this form.
Before purchasing new software, use this service to request an OIT review to ensure it meets Valencia College's security and compliance standards. Please take some time to review some of the evaluation criteria, guidelines, and current approved software list below prior to submitting your request.
Please note: If the software being submitted is already in use (prior to approval) OIT reserves the right to suspend its use and communicate next steps accordingly.
Please include the answers to the following evaluation questions upon submission of your request:
- Does the software require support/maintenance from OIT?
- Is the software web-based or an application?
- Will the software be utilized by a single individual, a department, or across the college?
- Is there an existing piece of software/solution in use provided by the college already?
- What type of information will be shared in the tool (if any) / FERPA concerns?
- What is the business need / how is the software utilized?