Refresh Request

Technology Refresh

The Technology Refresh Program in the Office of Information Technology is responsible for maintaining appropriate lifecycles of existing computers at Valencia College.

  • Maintain inventory of all Valencia computers to include location, user, and hardware information
  • Use inventory to address highest priority computer replacement needs at Valencia
  • Oversee procurement, delivery, and installation of new computers to ensure College needs are met
  • Coordinate the re-use/disposal of older computers that are replaced via the Technology Refresh Program

Computer Refresh Cycle

Computers are scheduled to be refreshed every four (4) years, beginning with the oldest computers first. When your computer is eligible for refresh you will be contacted by a Technical Services Specialist or you can submit a Refresh Request to check if your computer is refresh eligible.

*Please note that, unless it is a unique scenario that is approved, OIT will provide and/or verify that there is one setup per faculty/staff member. This article shows the standard setup that can be expected upon refreshing your device. 
Request this Service


Service ID: 39494
Mon 10/7/19 12:19 PM
Tue 7/23/24 11:17 AM