MyVC How to Log In

The instructions below cover how to Log In to MyVC. If you have not setup a MyVC account before first click here. It is recommended that you open a separate browser window or tab to follow the instructions as you go through the process. 


Logging In To MyVC

Step 1: In your preferred web browser, type in or click here to open a new tab at that address. 




Step 2: Click the "Log In to MyVC" link, in the Login to MyVC widget, as noted in the picture below. 


Step 3: You will be presented with the Sign In screen to type your ENTIRE Valencia College Email Address.




If you are a Student, and ONLY a student, your account will end in: 

Example sign-in:

If you are an Employee at Valencia in ANY way, your account will end in: 

Example sign-in:





Step 4: When done typing YOUR Valencia Email address, click NEXT.


Step 5: Enter your MyVC password and click the blue "Sign In" button.




NOTE: If logging in still does not work for any reason: 1.) Make sure you are typing your full email address. 2.) If it still does not work, return to and click the "Forgot Password?" link to reset and re-sync your password.


Step 6: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • IF you HAVE set up MFA before You will get prompts, as shown below, to confirm the number in Microsoft Authenticator on your phone/tablet and to check the boxes and confirm Yes to minimize the number of times you are asked for MFA information.
  • IF you have NOT set up MFA before: you will get a message indicating "Additional information is required" and you will need to set up MFA First. You can click here to get instructions on the MFA setup process for assistance.  







Additional Support:

Student Support:

Phone: 407-582-5444

Onsite: MyVC Lab Locations

Faculty/Staff IT Support:

Phone: 407-582-5555