The instructions below cover how to Log In to MyVC. If you have not setup a MyVC account before first click here. It is recommended that you open a separate browser window or tab to follow the instructions as you go through the process.
Logging In To MyVC
Step 1: In your preferred web browser, type in or click here to open a new tab at that address.
Step 2: Click the "Log In to MyVC" link, in the Login to MyVC widget, as noted in the picture below.
Step 3: You will be presented with the Sign In screen to type your ENTIRE Valencia College Email Address.
If you are a Student, and ONLY a student, your account will end in:
Example sign-in:
If you are an Employee at Valencia in ANY way, your account will end in:
Example sign-in:
Step 4: When done typing YOUR Valencia Email address, click NEXT.
Step 5: Enter your MyVC password and click the blue "Sign In" button.
NOTE: If logging in still does not work for any reason: 1.) Make sure you are typing your full email address. 2.) If it still does not work, return to and click the "Forgot Password?" link to reset and re-sync your password.
Step 6: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Student Support:
Phone: 407-582-5444
Onsite: MyVC Lab Locations
Faculty/Staff IT Support:
Phone: 407-582-5555