NOTE: The instructions below go over setting up a MyVC account. If you have already setup a MyVC account, you can click here to go directly to the instructions on how to sign in to MyVC.
Step 1: In your preferred web browser, go to

Step 2: Click the "Sign up for an Account" link, in the Login to MyVC widget, as noted in the picture below.

Step 3: There will be a MyVC Usage Statement to read through, and agree to. Once you have read the document, click the red Continue button at the bottom:
Step 4: Follow the prompts as indicated to fill in the information as shown in the example below.

Step 5: Once you hit submit, a confirmation screen similar to the picture below should show onscreen to confirm (Despite the wording, it can take 3 or more hours for the account to be created):

NOTE: It can take several hours or more for an account to be created, especially if it is an employee account converted from the initially created to
Once 3 or more hours have passed you can attempt to Log In to MyVC. If you are unable to Log In, try resetting your password using the "Forgot Password?" link off the page and wait at least 5 minutes for the new password to sync in the system.
Only Student and solely student-only accounts are
Anything not strictly student and in some way Valencia employee-related; Faculty,Staff, V_ / Vendor, or Workstudy accounts are
Additional Support:
Student Support:
Phone: 407-582-5444
Onsite: MyVC Lab Locations
Faculty/Staff IT Support:
Phone: 407-582-5555