Atlas: How to Setup and Login to an Atlas Account

Tags atlas Setup

NOTE: The instructions below go over setting up an Atlas account and Signing in. If you have already setup an Atlas account, you can click here to go directly to the instructions on how to sign in to Atlas.


Step 1: In your preferred web browser go to 


Step 2: Click "Sign Up for an Account" as noted in the picture below. 


Step 3: There will be an Atlas Usage Statement to read through and agree to. Check the box at the bottom, then click Continue. 


Step 4: Follow the prompts as indicated to fill in the information as shown in the example below.



Step 5: Once you hit submit, a confirmation screen similar to the picture below should show onscreen to confirm:

enlightenedNOTE: It can take several hours or more for an account to be created, especially if it is an employee account converted from the initially created to 

enlightenedAs a reminder:

Only Student and solely student-only accounts are

Anything not strictly student and in some way Valencia employee-related; Faculty,Staff, or Workstudy accounts are



Step 6:  Sign in

In you preferred web browser go to 


Step 7: Click "Login" as noted in the picture below. 


Step 8: You will be presented with the Sign In screen to type your ENTIRE Valencia college email address.

enlightened-If you are employed with Valencia College in any way: Faculty, Staff, Workstudy, or a V_ Vendor account, your email address will end in: 

Example sign-in:

-If you are a Student, or none of the above currently apply to you, your account will end in: 

Example sign-in:



Step 9: When done typing YOUR Valencia Email address, click NEXT.


Step 10: Enter your Valencia password and click "Sign In"


enlightenedNOTE: If logging in still does not work for any reason: 1.) Make sure you are typing your full email address. 2.) If it still does not work, return to and click the "forgot password" link to reset and re-sync your password. ONLY Change your password at using the forgot password link and no other location. 


Step 10: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • IF you HAVE set up MFA before You will get prompts, as shown below, to confirm the number in Microsoft Authenticator on your phone/tablet and to check the boxes and confirm Yes to minimize the number of times you are asked for MFA information.
  • IF you have NOT set up MFA before: you will get a message indicating "Additional information is required" and you will need to set up MFA first. You can click here to get instructions on the MFA setup process for assistance.  






NOTE: You should now be logged in to Atlas. If you encounter any issues, you can contact the appropriate IT support, as noted below. 

Student Atlas Support:

Phone: 407-582-5444


Onsite: Atlas Access Lab Locations

Faculty/Staff IT Support:

Phone: 407-582-5555




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