Canvas Login

Tags login Canvas

Step 1: In your preferred web browser, type in


Step 2:

You will be presented with the Sign In screen to type your ENTIRE Valencia college email address.

-If you are employed with Valencia College in any way; Faculty, Staff, Workstudy, or a V_ Vendor account your email address will end in: 

-If you are a Student, or none of the above currently apply to you, your account will end in:



Step 3: Enter your Valencia password and click "Sign In"


Step 4: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • IF you HAVE set up MFA before You will get prompts, as shown below, to confirm the number in Microsoft Authenticator on your phone/tablet and to check the boxes and confirm Yes to minimize the number of times you are asked for MFA information.
  • IF you have NOT set up MFA before: you will get a message indicating "Additional information is required" and you will need to set up MFA first. You can click here to get instructions on the MFA setup process for assistance.  




Step: 5: You should now be logged into Canvas and see a similar home screen as shown below


NOTE: See below if Help or other technical assistance with Canvas is required:

If you need assistance with Canvas, you can call their support line at 407-582-5600 

For Faculty, additional support is provided by clicking the Help option and Chat for live chat support or clicking Report a Problem to create a support ticket with Canvas support staff. 





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