MyVC How to Report No Show Students

Students who do not attend the first class meeting and students who do not actively participate in an online class must be reported as a No-Show by the end of the No-Show Reporting period.  See the Academic Calendar for the current No-Show Reporting periods.


Abbreviated Instructions (Without Screenshots):

  1. Log in to your MyVC account.
  2. Click on the Faculty Services tab.
  3. Click on Faculty Self-Service inside the Faculty Services channel.
  4. Click on No-Show Reporting.
  5. Select a term from the drop-down.
  6. Click on the course shown under the Report No-Shows (courses available for No-Show Reporting) to select it. The roster for the course will appear at the bottom of the page under Roster of Students for Selected Section.
  7. To select a student to report as a no-show, click inside the box in the Report No-Show column; you may select more than one student.
  8. Click the Save button.
  9. Click OK to Save and Continue.
  10. Review the list of students you selected to report as no-shows.
    1. Click the Submit Changes button if your selections are correct.
    2. Click the Cancel Changes if your selections are incorrect (you will be returned to the No-Show Roster to re-enter your selections).
  11. Each student you report as a No-Show will receive an email notifying them of their No-Show status.
  12. Follow steps 6 through 10 to report no-shows for another course.

Instructions (With Screenshots):

1. Sign into your MyVC account.

In your preferred web browser, go to 

Click the Red "Log In to MyVC" button, type your entire Valencia email address, and then enter your password when prompted. 



2. Click on "Faculty Services" and then click Faculty Self-Services as shown below.


3.    Click on No-Show Reporting:No Show Reporting

4.    Select a term from the drop-down:

5.    The list of courses available for No-Show Reporting will be listed under Report No-Shows (courses available for No-Show Reporting); click anywhere on the line with the course information to select it:

Report No-Shows (courses available for No-Show Reporting)

6.    The roster for the course will appear at the bottom of the page under Roster of Students for Selected Section:

Roster of Students for Selected Section

7.    To select a student to report as a no-show, click inside the box in the Report No-Show column; you may select more than one student:

Report No-Show column

8.    After selecting the student(s) to report as a No-Show, click SAVE button on the bottom right:

click SAVE button on the bottom right

9.    After clicking on SAVE, you will receive a message on the upper right of the page; click OK to save and continue:

click OK to save and continue

10.    Under Review and Take Action, verify your selections:

Under Review and Take Action, verify your selections:

a.    If your selections are correct, click SUBMIT CHANGES Submit Changes button

You will receive a message on the upper right of the page:  No-Show records successfully processed

Click on another course to report No-Shows or close the browser window to exit.


b.    If your selections are incorrect, click CANCEL CHANGES Cancel Changes button

You will receive a message on the upper right of the page: No-Show processing cancelled.

You will be returned to the Report No-Shows (courses available for No-Show Reporting) page where you will need to re-enter your selections (i.e. re-select the course to display the No-Show Roster and then re-select the student(s) to report).

11.    Each student you report as a No-Show will receive an email notifying them of their No-Show status.