Credit Registration Locked Tables

More info:

Issue: AppendCreditReg_Load Failed due to Table Lock

Example of Locks:

ERROR: A lock is not available for STG.SSBSECT.INDEX.

ERROR: Lock held by process 20840558.

ERROR: A lock is not available for STG.SFRSTCR.INDEX.

ERROR: Lock held by process 20840558.


  1. Check if lock is still active
    1. Nothing should be able to lock the tables
  2. Using the process ID find and kill the process
    1. Using BITVISE/Command line access LINUX
    2. topas  command launches a utility that provides a rolling list of top CPU using processes
    3. Use ps -ef|grep Enter Process ID
    4. After confirm the process is still running using ps –ef|grep then kill the process
    5.  kill -9 Process# - This command will kill the process by force
  3. Now depending on where the job bombed, you will either run from the beginning or run from where is at – This is very tricky because a rollback wil be required if the target is damaged. If so, then contact system admin for roll back from backup.
  4. Based on where this issue happened, see the flow error, we can run this job from beginning
  5. Right Click on the Exited Flow and then choose Trigger Now – this will run the job from start to finish
  6. Once the job is completed then we will need to manually Register the Tables in Memory for SAS VA by running the three load Queries.
  7. Log into SAS VA
  8. Browse to (Run the 3 Queries: section_enrollment, ENROLLMENT_TREND_APPEND, VA_REGISTRATION_TREND_STUDENT_QUERY)
  9. After all three queries are completed, then click around the Credit Registration Report in SAS VA to confirm things are loaded