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- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
MyVC Communication Channels include Dashboard, Activity, Tasks, Announcements, Resources, Events and Calendars.
- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
Pages are content that is relevant to you in your journey at Valencia College.
- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
Links to tools, pages and groups that you choose as important to you.
- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
Widgets are snapshots of information from other systems like Canvas, VC Email & your profile.
- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
Quick links are capsules of important links targeted specifically to you.
- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
Account settings are what let you control your experience with MyVC.
- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
The notifications bell in the upper right lets you know when you have new content to view.
- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
Use MyVC search to find Posts, Groups, Events, Pages, Tools, Files, FAQs, other users, and more.
- Knowledge Base
- MyVC
The Dashboard provides links and references to the most important and frequently accessed systems.