Plan Ahead allows you to create a class schedule from which you may register. You can create your own Plan or your academic adviser may create one for you. Follow the instructions below to locate and create a Plan using the Plan Ahead feature inside Registration.
Log in to your Atlas account
Click on the Courses tab:
On the Courses tab, click on Registration inside the Registration channel:
Click on Registration Status:
You will be directed to the Registration menu:
Click on Plan Ahead:
To begin building a Plan, you must first select the Term you wish to plan for by clicking on the drop- down arrow inside the Select a term… field; click Continue after selecting a term:
Click on :
Next, you will be prompted to perform a Class Schedule Search to find courses to add to your Plan:
In this tutorial, we will use English Composition as our example. After selecting ENC in the Subject search field, we click on to generate options and the Plan Ahead page opens to the Find Courses section:
We locate the course we wish to add to our Plan; in this example, we wish to add Freshman Comp I:
If sections already exist for the course and you wish to add a specific section to your Plan, click on next to the course:
After clicking on , you will see:
Select the specific course section you wish to add to your Plan by clicking on :
After you have clicked , you will see two new areas under the Find Classes section:
The course you clicked for now appears in the box on the lower right:
Click to add the course to your Plan
You will be prompted to Name your Plan; enter a name for your Plan and click (screenshot on next page):
You will receive a message on the upper right of your screen confirming your Plan has been saved.
You will see the Plan on your Select A Plan page:
If sections do not yet exist for the course or if you are not yet ready to select a specific course section, click on next to the course:
After clicking on , you will see:
The course you clicked for now appears in the box on the lower right (screenshot on next page):
Click to add the course to your Plan
You will be prompted to Name your Plan; enter a name for your Plan and click :
You will receive a message on the upper right of your screen confirming your Plan has been saved.
You will see the Plan on your Select A Plan page:
Need help? Reach out to one of our Student Support Services. For technical assistance, call the Student Help Desk at 407-582-5444.