How to Print Your Student Schedule for Your Student ID Card and Parking Decal

You must be registered in classes to obtain your Student ID card and a parking decal from Campus Security.  After you have completed registration, follow the instructions below.

Note: All instructions and screen shots are from the Chrome Internet browser in an Incognito session.

  1. When you accessed registration via your Atlas account, a new tab should have opened in your web browser:

    new browser tab example

  2. Return to your Atlas account; to do this, click on the browser tab where your active Atlas session is located or close the tab that has your registration:

    multiple tabs example

  3. You should still be on the Courses tab in your Atlas account. Click on Student Profile inside the Student Profile channel:

    student profile button example

  4. You will be directed into your Student Profile:

    student profile example

  5. If necessary, change the term that is being displayed in your Student Profile to match the term you just registered for by clicking on the drop-down arrow in term selection example and select the correct term (this is important; you must show that you are registered in the term for which you are obtaining your Student ID and/or Parking Permit):

    term selection example


    current term example

    Your Student Profile page will refresh and you will see your just registered for courses in the Registered Courses area in your Student Profile:

    student profile example

  6. Use your mouse and, anywhere on the Student Profile page, right click to open a menu where you can select Print…:

    student profile example

  7. After you have selected print, you will see:

    sample print window


  8. In the window that has opened with your Student Profile in printable format, click on Destination and select your printer and click Print:

    printer destination example

  9. Take your printed Student Profile page showing your current registration to Campus Security to obtain your Student ID and/or Parking Permit. To obtain your parking permit, be sure to complete the required Vehicle Parking Permit Application (note: you will also need to bring your current vehicle registration information with you to obtain your Parking Permit). You will find a link to the Vehicle Parking Permit inside your Student Profile (located on the left-hand side of the page under Additional Links):

           student profile menu


divider line image

Need help? Reach out to one of our Student Support Services. For technical assistance, call the Student Help Desk at 407-582-5444.