Sending an Email to a Moderated Distribution List

Distribution Lists (DL) are moderated, and any emails being sent to a DL will have to be approved by an appointed moderator prior to the email going out. 

While sending an email to a DL, it will appear that the message has been sent; however, it will go to the appointed moderator/approver of the related DL prior to officially being sent. If the email is approved, you and the intended audience in the DL will see the email in your inbox.

In the scenario the email is rejected by the related moderator, you will receive a message in your inbox that the message was rejected (as seen in the image below). 


Important Notes

  • While crafting an email that is intended for a mass audience and/or distribution list, it is recommended that you set the message to send to yourself and input the audience/DL in the BCC field of the email. This will ensure that you (or the sender of the email) will be the only one receiving responses from anyone who replies to the message. 
  • The amount of time before an email is sent (if approved) is dependant on the related moderator of the DL. 
    • For potentially time sensitive or urgent matters that require a message to be emailed to a mass audience, it is recommended to coordinate with the Organizational Communication Department ahead of time 


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Article ID: 155178
Wed 10/25/23 2:39 PM
Mon 10/30/23 8:26 AM