How to Disconnect Polycom Phone (Teams Migration)

With the migration from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams for telephone calls, the use of desk phones (and Skype for Business) will be discontinued. Polycom desk phones can now be removed. Please follow the instruction below for removing the Polycom phones.


How to Remove the Polycom phone from your desk:

Our current setup for Polycom phones uses two network cables. The first cable is connected from the wall jack to the phone, and the 2nd cable is connected from the phone to your docking station/computer as shown below. 

To remove the phone, please disconnect the network cable plugged into "LAN" port on the back of the phone and plug that cable into the Dell Docking Station/Computer. You may disconnect the "PC" network cable and the "USB" cable, these will be discarded with the phone.

If your "LAN" cable is not long enough to reach the computer without passing through the phone, keep your Polycom phone connected and contact OIT.


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Article ID: 152271
Wed 6/14/23 11:02 AM
Mon 6/19/23 8:15 AM