Zoom Guidelines and Expectations

Tags Zoom


Zoom is a cloud-based video communications application that allows users to host several virtual event types including audio and video conferences, webinars, host live chats, screen-sharing, shared whiteboards, along with several additional collaborative Tools. The purpose of this document is to provide a general overview of Zoom’s functionality, Faculty/Staff Requester and CTS roles, expectations, and technical details.


Event Types

Zoom provides users with two meeting types; a standard Zoom meeting and a Zoom webinar.

  • Meetings are designed to be a collaborative experience.  All participants can share their audio and video. Zoom Meetings can support up to 300 simultaneous users per meeting.
  • Webinars are designed to limit audio and video content sharing privileges to Host and Panelist. Attendees have limited functions with only a view-only role. Webinars can support up to 1000 simultaneous users per meeting.


Roles and Responsibilities


Faculty/Staff Requester Responsibilities

  1. Scheduling: All Valencia employees and students have a Zoom account that allows the scheduling of standard and recurring meetings via Outlook.
  • Event Date:  All basic Zoom meetings will be scheduled utilizing the requester’s Zoom account via Outlook.
    • NOTE: If Requestor needs support for Zoom Meetings and/or Webinars, requestor is recommended to schedule at least two months in advance.
  • Timeline: The requester is responsible for providing a timeline to CTS with all important dates including, but not limited to:
    • Training Deadline for Faculty/Staff Requestors & Facilitators
      • NOTE: all requestors and facilitators are required to attend Zoom Training via the edge, prior to event.
    • Technology Update Deadline
      • NOTE: CTS encourages all Valencia employees to regularly update the Zoom application and check for new features on Zoom’s New Feature page.
    • Presentation Deadline
      • NOTE: All presentations should be complete, two weeks prior to event. 
  • Event Practice Session
    • A practice session will be scheduled one week prior to the event, and should including all speakers, facilitators, and producers.
      • Note: Faculty/Staff Requestor will schedule this session collaboratively with CTS.
  1. Roles and Responsibilities: The Faculty/Staff Requestor, in collaboration with the Dean/Director and CTS, will collaborate to determine the roles and responsibilities of all the parties involved with the event with regard to the following:
    • Training Needs
      • NOTE: Necessary training will be determined during the consultation with CTS.
  • Program Requirements: Event presentation, peripheral materials, save the dates, outlook appointments, surveys/polls, etc.


  1. Training: All Valencia employees are encouraged to complete the Zoom Edge training located in Atlas.
    • CTS will also provide additional “advance” training, if necessary, to meet the needs of the requester’s presentation.


CTS Responsibilities

  1. Consultation: CTS is available for consultation as events/meetings are being planned. Faculty/staff Requesting CTS support should schedule a consultation meeting no later than two months prior to the event.
  • Meeting vs. Webinar: CTS will consult on the technology needed to support the event and provide input on which meeting platform will work best, depending on the presentation format and audience. It is recommended, that before scheduling events, requestors should answer the following questions:
    • Will there be more than 300 users in attendance?
    • Will this event be posted on a public forum?
    • Is this intended to be a collaborative experience?
    • Is there potential for negative attention for the event in question?

All of these are factors should be considered when choosing the event platform.  Zoom Meetings and Webinars are evolving with updates and modifications daily.  To find the most up-to-date features, please visit this comparison page: Zoom’s comparison page.


  • Scheduling: Valencia College has purchased 2 Zoom Webinar Licenses, which are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. Webinars have been used widely so early planning is recommended.
    • To reserve a zoom webinar, please contact: The Service Desk at ext. 5555 or Keith Hill at ext. 2392
  • Zoom Roles: 4 different Zoom roles exist for Requestor to consider.  They are:
    • Host – responsible for coordinating and managing all aspects of a meeting and/or webinar. This includes organizing the event, inviting/managing presenters and participants, developing polls/surveys, invitations, establishing deadlines and requesting event recording/chat transcript.
      • Host deploys surveys, polls, and event registration forms in ZOOM.
      • The host is determined by the Requester and Dean/Director.
    • Co-Hosts – support the host and have the same Zoom privileges as the host; however, the co-host is unable to override the Host’s content sharing in the Zoom environment. Co-Hosts cannot deploy surveys, pools, and event registration forms in Zoom.
    • Panelists – only available in the Webinar Platform; visible to participants and can share content during webinar meeting.
    • Attendees/Participants – can join meetings; functions are determined by Host/Co-Host. In Webinar platform, attendees are not visible and cannot actively participate on screen with audio/visual unless given permission by Host/Co-Host.
  1. Collaborate and Coordinate: CTS will assist with developing a timeline with the Requester. We will also collaborate on the creation of Surveys, Polls, and Event Registration Forms.
    • The requester will need to schedule any practice sessions as necessary.
  2. Training: All Valencia employees are encouraged to complete the Zoom Edge training located in Atlas.
  • CTS will also provide additional “advance” training, if necessary, to meet the needs of the requester’s presentation


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Article ID: 131120
Thu 4/1/21 10:28 AM
Thu 4/22/21 10:38 AM

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