I Processed a Student as ‘No Show’, Why Am I Getting a Missing Last Date of Attendance Email?

Sign into ATLAS


Click on the Faculty tab,


Then on Faculty Services,


Then on Final/Midterm Grades,


You will see all the courses you have taught in the past as well as the courses you are currently teaching. Make sure you select the “Final Grades” tab in the upper portion of the page. You can sort the course information on this screen by clicking on the arrows in the gray heading.


Select the course CRN, you will now see the students enrolled in this course.

Once you click on a course, depending on the number of courses on your screen, you may need to scroll down to see the roster for the course selected. Once you have selected the student, click on the field with the down arrow under “Final Grade” and update the grade to a “W.” Be sure to enter the last day of attendance by clicking on the “Last Attend Date” field (It will be saved with the format: MM/DD/YYYY).


What may happen:

You may not have withdrawn the student during the no show reporting period and the student withdrew from your course. Or the student may have withdrawn from the class prior to you trying to withdraw them during the no show reporting period.  

If the student withdrew himself/herself via their Atlas account: A Last Date of Attendance needs to be entered for this student if the “Last Attend Date” field is blank. 


Once you save, you should see the following message on the top-right corner of the screen.




Article ID: 150880
Wed 4/5/23 4:31 PM
Tue 5/16/23 11:13 AM