[Atlas] Invalid Session in Atlas – Clear Your Browser’s Cache


If you receive the "Invalid Session" error message in Atlas, follow these steps:


If you receive the "Invalid Session" error message in Atlas, follow these steps:

  1. Log out of Atlas
  2. Clear all browser windows & reopen
  3. Clear Cache & Cookies
    For most browsers, hit CTRL+Shift+Delete to bring up the option to clear history.
  4. In the pop-up window, select the appropriate check boxes & clear data.
  5. Go to https://atlas.valenciacollege.edu/ to log back in to Atlas.

Example: Internet Explorer

Clear Cache Internet Explorer


Example: Firefox

Clear Cache Firefox


Example: Chrome

Clear Cache Chrome History

Clear Cache Chrome Browsing Data



Article ID: 88818
Wed 10/9/19 11:46 AM
Thu 11/21/19 9:44 AM