MyVC Communication Channels


MyVC Communication Channels include Dashboard, Activity, Tasks, Announcements, Resources, Events and Calendars.


Communication Channels are the basic applications of MyVC.

Dashboard – your landing page

Activity – Your activity feed pulls updates relevant to you into one place. Scroll down your activity feed to see what’s new since your last visit. 

Tasks – Provides actionable to-do items that are created and assigned to you as well as tasks you create as reminders for yourself.

Announcements – Give you important information that is specifically relevant to you.  With regular and daily visits to MyVC, you will see important information in Announcements and can take action. 

Resources – A centralized area of MyVC where folders, files & links are shared with you.  You will only see the resources that are relevant to you.

Events & Calendars – Will be your source to see what events are going on at the college, as well as the Academic Calendar.  These will be available after the Preview period has ended.



Article ID: 162503
Thu 10/31/24 1:31 PM
Thu 10/31/24 3:19 PM