Manually Refresh Configuration Manager Policy


Note: This will force new software applications, device settings, and updates to your device. This generally automatically happens about once an hour but can be manually forced using the instructions below when the need arises. 


Step 1:

You will want to start by typing the words Software Center after clicking the Start Menu or clicking in the search box, as shown below. Then click the Software Center App.: 


Step 2:

You will then, in sequence, click the "Options" menu on the left, followed by clicking "Computer Maintenance," and lastly, the "Sync" button. (Please see the photo below for reference.) 


Note: After a few minutes, you will see any recent software or updates made available to your device in the applications and updates menu on the left. 




Article ID: 113001
Fri 7/31/20 1:32 PM
Tue 12/12/23 10:57 AM