Students who do not attend the first class meeting and students who do not actively participate in an online class must be reported as a No-Show by the end of the No-Show Reporting period. See the Academic Calendar for the current No-Show Reporting periods.
NOTE: Below are the instructions to report No-Show students. There are two sections of instructions — the first section does not include screenshots. The second section does include screenshots (all screenshots are from our test environment; colors will not be the same when you access the live (Production) environment; everything else will be the same).
Abbreviated Instructions (No Screenshots):
- Log in to your Atlas account.
- Click on the Faculty tab.
- Click on Faculty Services inside the Faculty Services channel.
- Click on No-Show Reporting.
- Select a term from the drop-down.
- Click on the course shown under the Report No-Shows (courses available for No-Show Reporting) to select it. The roster for the course will appear at the bottom of the page under Roster of Students for Selected Section.
- To select a student to report as a no-show, click inside the box in the Report No-Show column; you may select more than one student.
- Click the Save button.
- Click OK to Save and Continue.
- Review the list of students you selected to report as no-shows.
- Click the Submit Changes button if your selections are correct.
- Click the Cancel Changes if your selections are incorrect (you will be returned to the No-Show Roster to re-enter your selections).
- Each student you report as a No-Show will receive an email notifying them of their No-Show status.
- Follow steps 6 through 10 to report no-shows for another course.
Instructions (With Screenshots):
1. Sign into your Atlas account.

2. Click on the Faculty tab.

3. Click on Faculty Services inside the Faculty Services channel.

4. Click on No-Show Reporting:
5. Select a term from the drop-down:

6. The list of courses available for No-Show Reporting will be listed under Report No-Shows (courses available for No-Show Reporting); click anywhere on the line with the course information to select it:

7. The roster for the course will appear at the bottom of the page under Roster of Students for Selected Section:

8. To select a student to report as a no-show, click inside the box in the Report No-Show column; you may select more than one student:

9. After selecting the student(s) to report as a No-Show, click SAVE button on the bottom right:

10. After clicking on SAVE, you will receive a message on the upper right of the page; click OK to save and continue:

11. Under Review and Take Action, verify your selections:

a. If your selections are correct, click SUBMIT CHANGES 
You will receive a message on the upper right of the page: 
Click on another course to report No-Shows or close the browser window to exit.
b. If your selections are incorrect, click CANCEL CHANGES 
You will receive a message on the upper right of the page: 
You will be returned to the Report No-Shows (courses available for No-Show Reporting) page where you will need to re-enter your selections (i.e. re-select the course to display the No-Show Roster and then re-select the student(s) to report).
12. Each student you report as a No-Show will receive an email notifying them of their No-Show status.