How to Add/Remove a Shared Resource Inbox Within Outlook

Below are the steps that can be followed to correctly add or remove a shared resource email account from your Outlook profile. 


How to add a shared email resource inbox to your Outlook profile. 

1. Within Outlook click the 'File' tab. 


2. Next under the 'Account Information' page within the 'Info' tab, click on the '+ Add Account' button. 


3. An Outlook window will open asking you to enter the shared email account address. Enter the entire email address ex. You do not need to enter a name for the account or a password at this time. 


4. A Windows Security prompt for Outlook will appear on screen asking you to sign into the shared inbox. At this point remove the current email in the text box and enter your user email address and then enter your Atlas password. 


5. Outlook will need to restart so close Outlook and reopen the program. The Windows Security prompt might come up again, if so just repeat the preceeding step to sign in with your Atlas email and password. 


6. Once the account is added click on 'File'. Then under the 'Account Information' section click on the 'Account Settings' button. 


7. Make sure the shared inbox is selected within the list of accounts. Click on the 'Change' button. 


8. Remove the check mark in the following window to disable 'Use Cached Exchange Mode'. 


9. Click the 'Next' button and you will be prompted to restart Outlook. Once you restart and reopen Outlook, the shared inbox will have been added to the Outlook profile. Please allow for some time to pass so that the inbox can update completely. 


How to remove the shared resource inbox from your Outlook profile. 

1. You can also choose to remove the account by going back to the 'File' tab. 


2. Next click on the 'Account Settings' button within the 'Account Information' page under the 'Info' tab. 


3. Make sure the account you wish to remove is selected from the list and click on the 'Remove' button. Afterwards click 'Next' and you will be prompted to restart Outlook for the changes to take effect. 


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Mon 8/17/20 1:34 PM
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